10 Dec

As a parent, it can seem like one minute you have a baby bundle of joy on your hands and then the next a full-grown teen. As children grow, it may feel like a full-time affair trying to make sure your child has clothes that fit them. It can also feel like a strain on your wallet to get brand new outfits every time their height increases.

Therefore, if you’re looking for ways to save when buying quality baby clothes for your kid, this article would tell you about helpful tips to do so.

You can predict your child's height
There’s no way of knowing exactly how tall your child will be since there are many factors that go into someone’s height. That being said, a height calculator can give you an estimate. All you have to do is put in their gender, age, and current height, and it would tell you their predicted height as an adult. With this number in mind, you can have a rough idea of how tall your child will be and up to what size clothes they’ll need as they grow, which will come in handy when shopping for toddler clothes online in Singapore.

Hand-downs are not always bad
Let us be practical. You can always keep an eye out for hand-me-downs baby girl clothes in Singapore from friends or family that may one day be the perfect size for them. You shouldn’t feel embarrassed about accepting or putting your child in hand-me-downs. With all the other stresses and financial considerations with being a parent, there’s no shame in embracing the generosity of those around you and saving money when you can.

Buy clothes bigger than usual
Remember that it’s always better for your child to wear clothes slightly too big for them rather than being too small. For certain items that aren’t worn regularly, like a winter jacket, suit, or raincoat, it may be a good idea to get them a size up. That way, they’ll still function for your child, but you’ll be able to make them last through several seasons.

Shop online
Maybe you’re already a bargain hunter. So you know that when it comes to buying baby boy clothes in Singapore, online stores are your new playground! It can hurt a little to shell out a bunch of money on clothes that your child will only wear for a year or even just a few months. Finding significantly discounted, but great ones can help out here too.

If you are looking for an online shop to find amazing baby and toddlers clothes, visit our website, and start shopping today!


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