03 Jul

Looking for gift ideas or souvenirs for loved ones left at home as you bask here under the Singaporean heat? Lucky you, Singapore offers a lot of personalised gifts which can be as good as souvenirs for your loved ones. With personalised gifts from souvenir shops in Singapore, it is as if those loved ones of yours have also gone to Singapore! There are many gift ideas and souvenir shops here in Singapore, but one souvenir has recently become a trend among others. Elegant wood veneer frames have recently become a trend here in Singapore in giving souvenirs. Specifically, wood veneer frames personalised by this souvenir shop called Arch Heritage has recently been gaining attention.

Arch Heritage has been creating intricate wood veneer frames in Singapore that may be personalised and may have as a gift idea or as a souvenir for your loved ones. It revolutionises the handicraft industry by crafting unique yet affordable heritage gifts and collectables. Recipients will surely become delighted upon receiving this as it is crafted meticulously, and hand-assembled to perfection. These wood veneer frames might just be the best gift idea because of how versatile it can be. These also share great memories of your stay on the island of Singapore. Here are some of the wood veneer collections you can choose from:


Wood veneer frames will be perfect in housing wonderful memories you have with your family and friends. Arch Heritage crafts intricate wood veneer frames that are unique highly shows Singaporean ideals. With wood veneer frames by Arch Heritage, you get to have your story moulded. Some of the vivid images it presents might be the Auspicious Dog Frame. This wood veneer frame highly captures the story and the image that it wants to convey.


Arch Heritage also crafts bookmarks made out of wood veneers. This will also be a good gift idea as it is a simple gift, yet unique. Book lovers will surely love the rustic effect these wood veneer bookmarks evoke. Every wood veneer bookmark highly shows a nostalgic image with great precision on craft and skill.


This might be one of the typical souvenir gift ideas but with magnets crafted on wood veneers, it will be extra special because of how unique it looks. Just looking at the wood veneer magnet makes you realise how intricate it was done and how a great deal of artistry was applied to it. There are many wood veneer magnets available in Arch Heritage like the charming Auspicious Goats Magnet.


The digital age might be on the rise, but no one can deny that notebooks still have a different effect when writing down things both important and not. As a souvenir gift idea, notebooks with designs crafted on wood veneers will be perfect to personalise. Like all other items from Arch Heritage, wood veneer notebooks are also done with a great deal of precision and artistry.

Here are just some of the gift ideas this souvenir shop called Arch Heritage could offer. There are more amazing gift ideas available on their collection.

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