24 Feb

Why do people wear knee braces? A knee brace in Singapore helps protect athletes from injuries. For example, skateboarders and motocross riders wear padded braces to protect their knees. 

A knee brace also provides support for the knees. Basketball and volleyball players wear them to keep their knees intact together after hours of running and leaping. 

And lastly, knee support in Singapore aids recovery from injuries during rehabilitation. 

But what are the harms of wearing ill-fitting knee braces?

  1. Tripping hazard

A loose knee brace and ankle brace in Singapore will slip from your knees and ankle. It can be a tripping hazard if they fall while walking, running, and jumping, causing accidents and further injuries.

  1. Poor blood circulation

Similar to an ankle guard in Singapore, knee support helps maintain the structure of your knee by applying gentle pressure to keep your bones, joints, and muscles intact while doing vigorous activities. The pressure also improves blood circulation. However, if the knee support is too tight, it cuts the blood circulation. 

  1. Swelling and nerve issues

Tight knee guards also cause swelling, especially for those knees under rehabilitation. Apart from cutting the blood circulation, an overly compressed knee guard pinches the nerves on your lower extremities. Your legs, knees, and thighs may feel numb. It is better to wear proper fitting knee support by consulting your doctor. 

  1. Skin sore and irritation

If you have a tight knee guard in Singapore, your knees tend to sweat a lot. The knee guard garment also rubs off your skin more than proper fitting knee support. It results in scrapes and burns on your skin that could lead to skin sores and irritation. 

  1. Slow recovery

People recovering from injuries wear a knee brace during rehabilitation. Blood circulation plays a crucial role in healing. Without proper blood circulation, your injuries heal slowly. 

Ask your orthopaedist for the proper fitting knee brace and ankle guard in Singapore to prevent these harms and complications. 

Get the right ankle brace and knee support in Singapore at Rigorer. Visit Rigorer today.



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